Product Details
Complete Flea Protection:
- Very Small Dogs & Puppies (from 8 weeks)
- 2-4.5kg total weight.
- Complete flea protection for Dogs!
Bravecto Spot-On for X-Small Dogs is a long-lasting flea and tick protection for 8 weeks and older puppies and dogs that weigh between 2-4.5kg. A single dose of Bravecto Spot On for X-Small Dogs protects against fleas and paralysis ticks for 6 months and Brown dog ticks for 12 weeks.
Bravecto Spot-On Yellow treats and controls ear mites as well as sarcoptic mange infections. Plus, this topical solution for dogs prevents flea tapeworm infections. Bravecto Spot-On Solution for Very Small Dogs is a fast-acting formula that controls paralysis ticks within 72 hours after tick attachment. It provides effective coverage for a complete 6 months and controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).
- Eliminates fleas within 8 hours of administration
- Effectively kills newly emerged fleas
- Provides persistent flea protection up to 24 weeks
- Controls flea population in the surrounding areas
- Provides long lasting efficacy
- Breaks flea life cycle and further controls flea infestations
- Safe for all breeds of dogs